Blind Dog Radio

Pinebluff Pete

Country blues singer, guitarist and pianist (real name unknown), who recorded four titles in Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1952 (not released at the time).

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Art Rupe remembered "Pine Bluff Pete" as a "very black man" who had been running errands during the session. Rupe said "when it was felt the other singers couldn’t perform effectively any more because of alcohol, fatigue, or both, Pine Bluff Pete asked to record. He looked like he could use the recording fee, and everybody was feeling good, so we recorded him. We never actually intended to release the records, so we paid him outright, not even getting his full name." The name "Pine Bluff Pete" was given to him by Barry Hansen who discovered the tap in the Specialty vaults. Two of the three songs he recorded credit Jim Bledsoe as the composer and he may be playing guitar on these sides. ~ Big Road Blues Show 12/2/12: I'm Going Down In Old Blues Goose - Shreveport Blues