Blind Dog Radio

Unnamed Blues by Barbecue Bob

Unnamed Blues - Barbecue Bob (Robert Hicks); Spanish tuning, with a slide.

Let me be your little dog until your big hound comes
Let me be your little dog 'til your big hound comes
I can do more howlin', your big dog ever done

Look over your rollbook, see if you've got my baby's name
Look over your rollbook, see if you've got my baby's name
She's acting funny now, she don't seem the same

Take care of the baby, she'll make a broad someday
Take care of the baby, 'cause she'll make a broad someday
And if I'm not too busy, I'll be stopping by your way

I feel like falling from the treetop to the ground
I feel like falling from the treetop to the ground
My gal got a mean joker, and, uh, he don't 'low me around

I go there early in the morning, else go there late at night
I got there early in the morning, else I have to go there late at night
She used to be my sugar, man, he ain't treatin' her right

You got to love your baby 'cause she'll stay home at night
You got to love your baby so she'll stay home at night
And if you don't love her, she sure ain't gonna treat you right

You can't love me, baby, and love my brother, too
You can't love me, baby, and love my brother, too
Because that's bad stuff and it will never do

SOLO w/falsetto